Quotations about Running

Genius is that energy which collects, combines, amplifies, and animates.

-Samuel Johnson>

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TOYS > Toys > Anime

Gx-59r Daltanious Future Robot Daltaniou Soul of Chogokin

Vendor: TOYS

From Tamashii Nations. The mighty Soul of Chogokin Future Robot Daltanius gets a dramatic overhaul! This renewal version celebrates forty years since the show's debut. Its most striking new feature is an optional Velarios Head, sculpted to resemble that of the Chogokin toy from the Eighties. Now you can swap between lion heads that look closer to the anime, or evoke the nostalgia of the classic toy. This accessory-packed deluxe set includes Atlus, Velarios, Gunper, Delfighter, a pair of Daltanius arms, a detailed head, a detailed shoulder armor set (L/R), sword-gripping hands (L/R), RyThunder hands (L/R), open hands (L/R), two Hand Slicers, boomerang cutter joint, eight shredder punches, tran-shield and grip, RyThunder and grip, RyThunder arrow, transaber, Fire Sword, two gyrospinners, two Gunper-cutters, Sigma Beam, Sigma Bea, Stand, Neutron Missile Launcher unit, an alternate Velarios head, and a set of display stand. 4573102587442 749046 APR202947

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