Things from Another World > Books/Reading

Wake Up Percy Gloom HC

Vendor: Things from Another World


A BRAND NEW FULL-LENGTH PERCY GLOOM ADVENTURECartoonist and animator Cathy Malkasian follows up her 2007 graphic novel Percy Gloom (a minor classic) with the further adventures of the small, immortal man with a light-up head. In Wake Up, Percy Gloom, kindhearted Percy awakens from (what he thinks is) a 200-year nap and finds himself in a strange new land. As Percy goes on a quest to locate his mother, he encounters many inspired inventions and bizarre, and sometimes dangerous, characters and situations, such as singing goats and furniture parades. Through it all he pines for his longlost love and soul mate, Miss Margaret-but his love may not be as doomed as he thinks.Malkasian's lush and detailed pencil drawings, surreal humor, absurdist characters and stunning visual storytelling ensure that fans of the first graphic novel will find the sequel just as fantastical, touching, and hilarious; new readers will discover a gorgeously rendered world of luminous landscapes, gentle humor, and a cast composed variously of wise, naïve, and flawed characters in a wide-ranging story that stands on its own.Cathy Malkasian Fantagraphics 978160699638652000 JAN131166

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