Quotations about Running

Genius is that energy which collects, combines, amplifies, and animates.

-Samuel Johnson>

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JACOB BROMWELL > Tinware > Tin Drinking Cup

Jacob Bromwell Classic Tin Cup (C.S. Stamp)


If these cups could talk, what a tale they would tell. Raise a toast to history with America's original tin cup, just as our forefathers did when creating our great nation. Jacob Bromwell? supplied these C.S. stamped tin cups to Confederate States Army during the Civil War, and we're still making them with a little help from the original machinery and equipment. Take a sip from this outrageously authentic American cup, and travel back to a simpler time. Forget about the telephone and Internet, and instead enjoy a peaceful moment much like the cowboy tending his herd, the explorer drinking from an unspoiled stream, or a Civil War soldier relishing a quiet moment between battles. Standard issue during the Civil War, each American made tin cup makes the perfect gift for the history buff, the busy executive, and any guy or gal who appreciates nostalgia. So let your imagination flow as you enjoy this epic relic of Americana. You'll surprisingly bring history to life with each sip. 0-81849-00820-4 C802T

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Harrisonburg, VA